Tuesday, April 29, 2008

remaining days of superasiaman's pre-uni life..

these are some of the few pictures superasiaman took before he graduated and left taylor's pre-uni life..he kinda enjoyed it as well but he doesn't wanna look back anymore..the ups and downs are now just history in vain for in the eyes of superasiaman..

the trios who suffered like hell in calculus..but the super-hot teacher there happy oni..

pheww-whitt (*looks like im grabbing her arse! hell yeah she was grabbing mine!)

this is the saint-ster..yes his name is saint! saint germain..my after school golf buddy..

on the left: me (senior); right: mr mark dunno-what(junior)..i was here earlier than him!

some of these are great memories i must say but there are times as well where shit fell into place so naturally..

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