Nabeel (Palestine) - accepted christ 8 years ago together with his parent..they were strong muslim followers night in his dad's sleep, his dad saw a man clothed in white asking him to "follow Me"..not knowing what it was, his dad went and meet an imam at the mosque and asked about the man clothed in white..the imam explained that it was Jesus..but the imam said that islams dont believe in Jesus, only God..the imam continued by saying, "yes, it is Jesus but no matter what just dont stop praying to God"..and again for the past few nights in his dad's sleep, his dad keeps seeing the Man clothed in white calling him to "follow Me"..this time he went to a church to look for the priest..and the priest helped them a lot in taking this step of faith..and his dad then accepted Christ and became a believer, later bringing him, Nabeel himself to church with him and he too is a believer now..his mom comes along sometimes but is still having problems accepting it..Nabeel's personal request to all of us was "Please pray for my mom that she too would accept Christ and be a believer and to be saved" to whoever is reading this, please join together and pray for him and his mother as he requested us to do he was sharing, i could see tears rolling down numerous people's face and even my eyes got could see in his face and in his eyes the strong desire in him to help his mom be a believer..i can feel it in him even while we were praying the burning heart of his for God..
Kosta (Israel) - was born in UK but moved to Israel when he was 2. was not a christian before and he became one about 8 years ago! he was ashamed and afraid to tell people that he was a christian because he might get beaten up,mocked or even life threatened. 6 years ago he was at a camp and he said " i could feel the holy spirit just struck me and their anointing were upon me. now, not only i dare to say im a christian, but i am also not afraid to go out and share the word of god with to friends and they were muslims!!"..he also claims that "only our god is mighty to save"..see the power of god when you put everything upon His hands??
Yulia (Israel) - one of her best friend was on the bus on the way to school when they had a terror attack in which killed her best friend. "i was filled with hatred for all arab people" is what she described the moment when she found out that her best friend was killed. her eyes turned red and tears started flowing but she continued sharing "something very personal to me [her]"..she was in summer camp with the christian youths from Israel, Palestine, Arab, Jerusalem..she said "i could not even look at the arab youths..i was so filled with hatred to the arabs that i cannot even look at them..although it was not their fault but because the terror attacks was the work of the arabs and they connected to the muslim arabs somehow, i just hated them so much..but it was just then god opened up my heart and reminded me to 'love your enemies'..and now i am proud to say that i have lost all those hatred and some of my best friends now are arabs"...this was really one hell of a experience for me to hear..i dare to say when listening to this, tears actually lingered in my eyes for a bit..really sweet girl she is..
Or (Israel) - a typical jewish guy with a hebrew name with a huge passion for christ and you can see in him when he worships he love for god..believes that only god can bring peace to the world and only through Him that all things can me made possible..
David (Israel) - pretty much preached and said that "we should allow god to put a vision in us and when you allow Him to do that, he will make the way and open up the doors for you" only 16, he dares to speak so highly about got and his expression while talking about god is as if you're seeing a famous preacher preaching the words of god! a truly great guy which im glad to have met.
There were a couple more youths that were there that shared as well but they spoke in hebrew..these few were born in argentina but moved away to israel. they were all really nice people and spoke highly of god and stand proud of it!
here are just some pictures of them..

good good good...very good very good very good...let makes HLLC PHOS youths special too...k...may our youth one day be eye opener to other youths in the community...
really yearn for this day...
thanks for sharing it bro. :)
let the flame burn brigther.
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