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*no names would be mentioned in this post for the privacy of the person whose pictures have been "stolen"

girl:"omg lah! this picture is bad..everyone can see my panties ady!no good no good"
guy 1: "what's the difference between this picture and the one up there? (pointing at the picture of the girl in tight suit)
guy 2: "that (the girl in tight suit picture) is worse cause older ady!..and this old picture says "upskirt"! "

the "kang kang" version.

well, i was offered a drink yesterday as for me not to post these pictures and mention the name and yeah since i am a man of my words, no names are mentioned, BUT you know who you are!! now you know how much you can trust me when i say something =P
QOTD: who do you think is that girl in those pictures?
hint: definitely now a guy! haha
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